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But Is Your Clothing Smart?

In this day and age, the term “smart” has been frequently associatedwith the likes of phones, TVs, and even refrigerators. However, there isnow a new addition to this list: the Levi’s...

May 15, 2021

🥓 Washrooms Cancelled At MCI

MCI students have changed much of their school life to combat theCovid-19 virus. We have to wear masks, socially distance, and use thequadmester system, if we are going to school at a...

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 Taylor Swift To Quit Music Forever?

Many feelings arose when this news developed: Taylor Swift, named “themusic industry” herself, is going to quit music forever. These werelargely feelings of shock, frustration, and co...

Apr 01, 2021

My Quarantine Things

Sung in the tune of “My Favourite Things” from The Sound of Music.

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 Ways to Protect Yourself from COVID-19

Hey MCI. There seems to be a lot of misinformation being spread abouthow to keep yourself safe during the pandemic. To combat this, thejournalists at The Bacon have talked to experts ...

Apr 01, 2021


The Coronavirus is rapidly spreading, with over 126 million cases and2.76 million deaths. But that is not the virus we should be concernedabout.

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 Meghan Markle Breathes, British Tabloids Outraged

Meghan Markle has been a source of scandal in the British tabloids,upending many longstanding royal traditions. Among her alleged crimesare being multiracial, being a woman, being Ame...

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 Tragedy Strikes Meatingrove CI

Last week, a series of tragic events occurred, starting with the mysterious eye of Eveloin Rib. But don’t worry - there’s mutton to fret about.

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 The Reason MCI Doesn’t Have Windows

Hey Bears! Regardless of how long you’ve been at MCI, you’ve definitelynoticed that our school lacks a significant thing: windows. We, at theBeacon, recently came across ancient MCI h...

Apr 01, 2021

🥓 Exclusive Facts About Ed Sheeran

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! On this momentous day, I thought Iwould take the time to raise awareness for a small local artist named EdSheeran. His hair is incredible, and his mus...

Apr 01, 2021