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The Graviton: Future Fuel

Have you ever been filling the tank to your new spaceship and thought,“I wish there was a better way to power the engine.” Enter the Graviton!With its subatomic superpower, its potent...

Mar 21, 2021

Capitol Hill Riots: Could It Happen Here?

On January 6, 2021, an armed insurrection occurred at the United StatesCapitol. This was the outcome of months of priming, where many electedofficials got their followers to believe t...

Mar 17, 2021

Valentine's Contest Winners

Flowers by Nicole Yotis is the winning poem of Martingrove Library Council’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Poetry Contest. I am Love by Ruchi Tilva won 2nd place , and Nighttime Reminiscence b...

Mar 01, 2021

The Devil’s in the Details: Similarities Between Supremacists

The unease across North America was palpable on January 6th, 2021.Whether you were watching the news, listening to the radio while drivinghome, or getting updates on Twitter, everyone...

Feb 08, 2021

Snowflakes and People: How Differences Make Us Special

Have you looked outside lately? With the new year now upon us, we arebeginning to see the classic staple of living in this northern country:snow. White, soft, beautiful, all-encompass...

Jan 28, 2021

The Good Place: The Kind of Show We Need Right Now

The Good Place is a Netflix series that ran from 2018 to 2020. Itspanned four seasons, and was far from your typical sitcom. Meet EleanorShellstrop, a self-centred, terrible human bei...

Jan 21, 2021

America as a Global Leader

Additional Contributors from the MMUN Team: Diana Brebeanu, MarkoVehauc, and Rohan Kumar.

Jan 21, 2021

Sonder: Why It Is More Meaningful Than Ever

Do you know what “sonder” means? Don’t worry if you don’t; it’s a wordthat’s not even in the dictionary. It was first coined in 2012 by authorJohn Koenig, whose project The Dictionary...

Dec 17, 2020

MCI Pandemic Perspectives

We posed a list of relevant questions to MCI students at each gradelevel, once in May, then again in November. These students gave briefresponses, accounting for their unique experien...

Dec 07, 2020

Knowledge is Power: Why to Stay Informed During the Pandemic

If there is one word to describe the world we live in today, it wouldbe, “uncertain.” Uncertain of what to do, where to go next, and what isgoing to happen in the near future. Everywh...

May 15, 2020