All Stories

Bears Corner

The Never-ending saga of MCI’s volleyball season; scandals, teams composed of grown-up men and insider scoops

Dec 29, 2022

The End of 2022

As the year slowly ticks down, I like to reminisce about all that has happened in 2022. At the beginning of this year, it might have been cold and dark, but at least we started recove...

Dec 29, 2022

Verity: Colleen Hoover’s Pathetic Attempt at a Romantic Thriller

Colleen Hoover. You either know exactly who she is or this name is absolutely foreign to you. If you have any interest in reading, and actively use social media platforms like Tiktok,...

Dec 29, 2022

MCI - The High School Movie Experience

I’m not sure about you, but high school has been an absolute breeze these past two years. I mean, the stressing over deadlines, staying up until dawn to study, and the exhausting soci...

Dec 29, 2022

Sanaa Claus: Beacon Holiday Movie 2022

To view Sanaa Claus, our live-action 2022 holiday movie, click here.

Dec 27, 2022

Beacon November issue - PDF

To view a PDF version of our November 2022 Beacon Issue, clickhere.

Nov 22, 2022

Why We Remember

The elementary school teacher stood up abruptly from her chair causing ascreech that drove the children to clamp their hands on their ears. Manygazed at the russet leaves slowly falli...

Nov 21, 2022

The 2022 Toronto Election

The municipal election that just happened was relatively uneventfulwithout major drama or surprises.

Nov 21, 2022

SACA's Samosa Sale

Diwali is an auspicious Hindu festival, also known as the “festival oflights,” celebrating the return of King Rama after defeating the evilRavana.

Nov 21, 2022

Relay For Life: Messages Of Hope

MCI’s Relay for Life team made significant progress on Thursday, October20th this year with the “Messages of Hope” breast cancer awarenessposter-signing in Martingrove’s foyer. Octobe...

Nov 21, 2022