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Not-So-Scary Halloween Movies

Halloween is a celebration of everything that is frightening. Fromghosts to gargoyles to going to a party where you don’t know anybody,Halloween preys on everybody’s fears. Many peopl...

Oct 30, 2021

Fun Halloween Activities For When You're Bored

Things are finally starting to get back to normal in 2021, so here aresome Halloween activities you can do with friends and family that willput you in the Halloween spirit!

Oct 30, 2021

Truth and Reconciliation Day: Reckoning With Canada’s Past and Forging Its Future

September 30th is a bit different this year. Maybe you’ve noticed theorange streamers on the Martingrove fence, or the sea of orange t-shirtsin the halls of our school. Today is the N...

Sep 30, 2021

The Federal Election: Why Did We Have One?

The 2021 federal election took place a few days ago, and it didn’t endup changing much within the government. In fact, even with the additionof three seats in the House of Commons, th...

Sep 25, 2021

Summer and Warm Weather: Your Mood Booster

Look out the window: do you see the sun shining brightly onto the greengrass? This is just one of many signs the summer months are withinreach. With summer approaching, you may notice...

Jun 30, 2021

Getting Our Act Together: How Canada is (Finally) Winning the Vaccine Race

Over a year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, hope is finally on thehorizon. With more and more Canadians getting vaccinated, and COVID-19rates dropping dramatically, the return to a...

Jun 29, 2021

Canada’s Dark Truth: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Content warning: This article discusses the Missing and MurderedIndigenous Women and Girls crisis.

Jun 29, 2021

Desks: From the Perspective of a Minor Whiner

Note from grade-12-Surbhi: This article was my application piecefor the Beacon in grade 9 and is now my final contribution to the club.We’re bringing it full circle folks!

Jun 25, 2021

MCI: The Little Things

As this school year comes to a close, and with students missing crucialin-person time at the school, I wanted to take a moment to journey allthroughout the Martingrove lifestyle. Here...

Jun 24, 2021

Interview with Mr. Stoica

1. How long did you teach and what subjects did you teach?

Jun 22, 2021