The End of 2022

Rababb Pannu Rababb Pannu Instagram Dec 29, 2022 · 1 min read
The End of 2022
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As the year slowly ticks down, I like to reminisce about all that has happened in 2022. At the beginning of this year, it might have been cold and dark, but at least we started recovering from the pandemic. School was stressful for many of us in spring, but once tests and culminations were done, July seemed closer than ever. With the end of the school year came the summer break; but unfortunately, summer came and went far too quickly. Nonetheless, it was still fun.

You know what comes next. The start of school was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. We all remember how stressed and annoyed we were as we waited in the long line outside the guidance office. Yet, the first day of school was still refreshing. Watching the grade nines running around with seemingly limitless energy never gets old. After a while, though, everyone started to miss those warm summer days. Unfortunately, it will be a while before we can get those back. With the beginning of school came cold, wet, autumn mornings and dark afternoons, but spirits still ran high until the dreaded midterms. Hopefully, nobody did too badly.

Soon after the anguish of report cards was over, the first snowfall occurred, forcing everyone to bundle up in jackets and sweaters and prepare for the cold. Of course, there are those few psychopaths who go outside in -20°C weather wearing only a hoodie and flannel pyjama bottoms.

Now, here we are, saying goodbye to our friends and preparing for a long, well-deserved winter break. After all that has happened in 2022, we can finally sit back and enjoy the final few days before the new year.

Happy holidays Martingrove! Stay safe.