Relay For Life: Messages Of Hope

Rababb Pannu Rababb Pannu Instagram Nov 21, 2022 · 1 min read
Relay For Life: Messages Of Hope
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MCI’s Relay for Life team made significant progress on Thursday, October 20th this year with the “Messages of Hope” breast cancer awareness poster-signing in Martingrove’s foyer. October is breast cancer awareness month, and our Relay for Life club took the initiative to create an event at lunch where students could sign a large poster and write positive messages. There were two posters, which will be hung up at the front and back entrances of the school, for everyone to see. During this event, gold ribbons with pins were given out to each student who wrote something on one of these posters so they could represent the Relay for Life club. MCI’s Relay for Life team had pink markers and chalk for students to use to sign the posters, since pink is the colour that represents breast cancer awareness. Anyone who walked by the table was encouraged to write a message, and the posters looked amazing by the end of lunch. The students and staff members talked about how this event brought the community together, and students with relatives affected by cancer spoke about how this event was uplifting for them. Mrudul Anagal, a relay for life member, said, “This event really brings people together for a cause that affects so many around the world, and being a part of Relay for Life is great because it lets you see the school come together.” Max Hutton, a student who attended the poster-signing, said, “I find this event really important for those affected by cancer. I have a family member struggling with leukemia and I’m sure they would be thrilled to see this event happening.” Relay for Life will also have its main event in May, so everyone should look forward to raising money for cancer awareness soon.

Rababb Pannu