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Skyler Xiang

Posts by Skyler Xiang

The Modern Dystopia Censoring News Across the Nation

In June 2023, the federal government passed Bill C-18, An Actrespecting online communications platforms that make news contentavailable to persons in Canada—otherwise known as the Onl...

Oct 23, 2023

An Interview with Meir Straus, Toronto’s 18-year-old Mayor hopeful

On Thursday, April 27th, I interviewed Meir Straus, Toronto’s youngestcandidate in the 2023 mayoral by-election. Straus is a grade twelvestudent from North York, and though his campai...

May 06, 2023

Opinion: Last Friday’s snowstorm proves that cars are not the answer

I am someone who needs to feel the sun on my face daily, or else I’llfeel off the whole day. So, last Saturday, like any other day, I lacedup my shoes and went for a walk. However, th...

Mar 08, 2023

Online Exclusive: BeCautious of BeReal: Our Generation's Social Media Dependency

I am a fan of the BBC show Black Mirror, which means I never hesitateto reference it in my daily life. Whether it’s when my friends can’tstop scrolling through TikTok while we’re shar...

Feb 15, 2023

Being Gifted Doesn't Make You Special

One day, in grade three, a teacher came by my classroom and told me tofollow her. I was absolutely petrified— never in my five years of studyhad I done anything wrong, so what could t...

Feb 15, 2023

Grad Spotlight

Congratulations, MCI Class of 2022! You did it!

Jun 22, 2022

Yellow: from Peril to Fever

The upcoming Asian Canadian heritage month has made me think a lot aboutmy identity as a Chinese Canadian. More specifically, I have beenthinking about our society’s shift in attitude...

May 17, 2022

Two West Side Stories: Old vs New

A spoiler-free comparison of the 1961 and 2021 film adaptations of theclassic Broadway musical West Side Story

Feb 15, 2022

Merry Geesemas and a Honky New Year

Have you ever been approached by a blood-thirsty goose? Have you everaccidentally stepped in a mound of steaming hot goose excrement? Haveyou ever been glared at by a goose standing o...

Nov 23, 2021

🥓 Tragedy Strikes Meatingrove CI

Last week, a series of tragic events occurred, starting with the mysterious eye of Eveloin Rib. But don’t worry - there’s mutton to fret about.

Apr 01, 2021