How to Enjoy Valentine's Day When You're Single

Glenn Koceku Glenn Koceku Instagram Feb 15, 2022 · 2 mins read
How to Enjoy Valentine's Day When You're Single
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Valentine’s day is typically known as the day of love, romance and spending your entire paycheck on getting your significant other a gift. However, there are many people who don’t really have someone to spend that time with. Of course, that can make anyone feel really lonely, and like they are missing out on the best parts of the day. With this list, you could learn to enjoy Valentine’s day all on your own!


What’s important to know is that you are not obligated to celebrate Valentine’s day. Don’t let the stories that people tell you, or the things that people say on social media make you feel bad for not being in a relationship. It can be hard to forget about it, especially since every post on social media, and every commercial on TV will always remind you of Valentine’s day, but there is no rule written in stone making you celebrate this day. Don’t feel down because you may not be in a relationship. You are your own person, and no matter what everyone else says, you don’t need to feel ashamed for not being in a relationship.


You can still view Valentine’s day as a day to treat yourself well. Make it a day to eat your favorite foods, maybe relax and engage in your favorite hobbies. Enjoy yourself the best that you can.


If you feel lonely on Valentine’s day, then distracting yourself may be a good option. Watching romance movies can make you feel lonely. A good way to prevent this is to try a different genre of songs, movies and other media that could make you feel less alone.


You can plan a day that doesn’t revolve around Valentine’s day. You can take a hike somewhere, or play your favorite video game. You can order a meal from your favorite restaurant. Having different plans can take your mind off of Valentine’s day, and can give you something else to remember other than the holiday itself.


Valentine’s day can be a wonderful day if you are in a relationship, but it can be much more difficult if you are alone. It’s easy to feel lonely on this day, and it’s very hard to get over that feeling of not having someone to spend that day with. However, it is still possible to spend it doing what makes you happy.

Image taken by Aidan Schreder

Glenn Koceku
Written by Glenn Koceku Instagram
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