Improving Your Mental Health During the Pandemic

Glenn Koceku Glenn Koceku Instagram Feb 15, 2022 · 2 mins read
Improving Your Mental Health During the Pandemic
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It is natural to feel anxiety during the times we live in. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a mental toll on students and teachers alike. We have had to go through constantly changing circumstances, which has caused many people to struggle with their mental health. In times of great stress, we all need some time to slow down and unwind. Here are three great ways to help yourself and those around you manage the pressure.

  1. Develop a Healthy Routine

A crucial part of mental health is to develop healthy habits. It’s always important to take care of yourself, and there are many ways to start. You can try to eat healthy and well balanced meals, as well as exercise regularly. Also, remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep. These small, yet intentional changes can boost self esteem and actually make you feel good about yourself. If you get used to these routines, it can boost your self image and improve your mental wellbeing.

  1. Take a Break from the News

It’s normal to want to know all the facts by looking at the news, but at the same time, it’s also important to take a break from hearing about the pandemic. Doing activities that you enjoy, such as going on walks, creating artwork, or watching TV, can boost your mental health greatly.

  1. Talk with Friends and Family

Thirdly, connecting with your friends and family is very important during times of social isolation. You can have phone or video calls, virtual game nights, or text one another. Getting in touch with others and, either talking about your feelings or choosing to take your mind off of them, will certainly make you feel less lonely. These things can help you feel more connected to the fact that we are all braving through the pandemic together.

With the pandemic having caused unfamiliar situations, like virtual school, lockdowns, and limited social gatherings, we are no doubt living in stressful times. The ever-changing circumstances and responsibilities in life can also make it hard to adapt, and certainly don’t make it any easier. However, if we remember to take care of ourselves through things like healthy lifestyle habits or connecting with loved ones, then we can certainly start to improve our mental health, and work towards taking our lives back.

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Glenn Koceku
Written by Glenn Koceku Instagram
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