A Winter Wonderland

Nicole Yotis Nicole Yotis Instagram Dec 22, 2019 · 1 min read
A Winter Wonderland
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Winter is my favourite season, without a doubt. The snow makes everything look so picturesque and the break is right on our doorstep. However, for some people, the holidays are dull, with no school to occupy their days, and friends gone on vacations. But fear not, there are still so many things to do.

  1. Anything snow-related: Take advantage of the season and get out there. Build a snowman, go sledding or skating, or have a snowball fight. Winter is also the time to ski, or try something more outlandish, like ice fishing or snow sculpting. One of my favourite things to do is build a snow fort with my friends. 
  2. Indoor activities: However fun it is to play in the snow, it’s cold. But inside, you can make crafts (a great gift idea), catch up on your reading, draw (the snowy landscape will provide lots of inspiration), or learn to cook something new. Also, drink hot chocolate, especially after playing in the snow (that’s the best time to drink it).
  3. Go to a concert: There are lots of concerts in December, many with holiday themes. So whether you’d like to go see your favourite artist, or maybe go somewhere new, there will definitely be something to peak your interest.
  4. Catch up with old friends: I have many friends from elementary school who I haven’t seen in a long time. The break is a great time to reach out and plan a time to get together. And if you don’t know what to do when you see them, perhaps you should try something from this list. Happy holidays!

Image source: "Merry Christmas!" by xymox is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0  ich)*