Nicole Yotis Instagram

Former Columnist

Nicole Yotis

Posts by Nicole Yotis

Valentine's Contest Winners

Flowers by Nicole Yotis is the winning poem of Martingrove Library Council’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Poetry Contest. I am Love by Ruchi Tilva won 2nd place , and Nighttime Reminiscence b...

Mar 01, 2021

A Winter Wonderland

Winter is my favourite season, without a doubt. The snow makeseverything look so picturesque and the break is right on our doorstep.However, for some people, the holidays are dull, wi...

Dec 22, 2019

Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

If you’re not already aware, we are living in an age where everything isavailable at our fingertips. News, entertainment, music, etc. - withjust the push of a button it’s all there. H...

Dec 16, 2019