Lunchtime Clubs at MCI

Jack Gordon Jack Gordon Instagram Nov 21, 2022 · 1 min read
Lunchtime Clubs at MCI
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Whether you’re trying to make your resumé more attractive or if you’re eating lunch alone for the third time this week, MCI’s clubs can be a great place to spend your time. However, these clubs are not the best at advertising, so I have done their job for them and have compiled a list of clubs with lunchtime meetings anyone can join.

Chess Club: With meetings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Chess Club is a great place to chill and play some games. It takes place in Room 235 and is very open to everyone – no sign up required. No experience is needed to join, and stay tuned for tournaments happening soon.

Math Club: A great place to work on problem solving skills and learn math outside of the curriculum, math club has meetings every Tuesday. If there’s a new concept you need help with or if you would like to discuss math with other students, there are meetings every Thursday as well. Both meetings take place in Room 245 during lunch time and welcome all students.

Computer Science Club: The computer science club at MCI has meetings every Wednesday at lunch in Room 110 where coding problems are assigned and discussed each week. No previous knowledge is required, and competitions are hosted with a chance to win cash prizes.

Robotics Club: This club is great for making friends and learning about technology as a team to create a robot and win competitions. Meetings will be starting soon and you can join the discord using the code Sqq4HW8SFH.

Martingrove Stage Company: Martingrove stage company has a variety of different teams who come together and put on shows for everyone to watch. The club consists of writers, actors, stage crew, aesthetics (including hair and makeup), and props/set design. There are different meeting dates for each team, and you can find more information on the google classroom with code wjyiwbr.