Before School’s Out

Maya Hutzul Maya Hutzul Instagram Jun 22, 2022 · 2 mins read
Before School’s Out
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I’ve been a part of the Beacon for four years, and it’s crazy to think so many of us are experiencing our last few days at Martingrove. The 2021 / 2022 school year is finally coming to a close! It’s time to finish your summatives and stress about your final tests, and then forget everything you learned until next year.

I’m sure you’re thinking about how excited you are for summer, but there are still a few more days of school left. This year has been pretty stressful for all of us, and it’s so easy to just check out until summer comes. Still, we’re stuck in these familiar windowless halls for a while yet, so here are some tips to make the most of your last days at Martingrove.

  1. Don’t Completely Zone Out

Now that your marks are mostly in, it’s easy to feel like there’s nothing left to listen to in class. But even if you’re not afraid of your grades dropping, there are still valuable things you can learn from your teachers. Do you need to know the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell in your day to day life? Probably not. But you will need it next year.

  1. Eat Outside More

The sun is constantly shining, the weather is amazing… And yet so many people are still in the cafeteria or in the hallways. Trust me, you’ll regain some energy by getting some Vitamin D. Just don’t feed the geese. They’ve been getting bolder.

  1. Take Care of Your Mental Health

If you’ve been working hard non-stop, you might feel yourself start to approach that dreaded burnout. Take a few steps back. Hug your pets, go for a run, or binge the new season of Stranger Things. Take the time and do the things you need to make sure you start the summer off on a right note.

  1. Spend As Much Time As You Can With Friends

This one’s mainly for all the grade 12s out here. In September, everyone will be moving to different cities, starting different jobs and programs. You will have a handful you’ll definitely stay in touch with, but many more you won’t. I guarantee that you’ll miss everyone, from your best friend to that kid in your calc class who won’t stop tapping their foot. Enjoy these last few days together.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for living MCI-life to the fullest. Enjoy these last few days of school, and good luck with everything that comes your way. I’m sure whatever you end up doing, it’ll be great - because you’ll at least work in an office with windows!

Image created by Aidan Schreder

Maya Hutzul
Written by Maya Hutzul Instagram
Former Copy Editor