A lot happens in a year. Each person undergoes easy and hard times, facing both triumph and defeat. This makes up for the time spent thinking, working, and scrambling to get through it all. By December, many people are exhausted, and wish to start over. Awaiting them is a new year. The prospect of something new makes us feel like there’s nothing we can’t do, because anything is possible for the future. Thus, we reflect on our past year, and figure out what to do differently from now on. With this come our resolutions. People get excited about the changes they will make to better themselves and their lives. Many can’t wait for New Years, and all the apparent bliss that comes with it. However, after New Years, what happens to these resolutions?
According to Forbes, studies have shown that less than 25% of individuals stay committed to their New Year's Resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% actually accomplish them. These statistics give rise to the question: why don’t people keep their resolutions?
People tend to fall back into old habits. After the atmosphere of optimism surrounding New Years is gone, people will return to the same lifestyles they led before without a thought. Even if they want to alter an aspect of their life, they will live in the same way, and forget about their resolutions.
Also, we forget that making changes in life takes effort. A lot of people are not willing to try for the small things they want. Sticking to a resolution is easier said than done, and people feel better not attempting something, than trying and possibly failing.
Lastly, there is not much motivation to go through with one’s resolutions. New Years is smack in the middle of winter, which is a season of comfort. The feelings of laziness and sleepiness we feel make it difficult to want to do anything. This is especially true if your resolution includes getting out of the house. It is easy to get tempted by a warm sofa or a new Netflix movie instead of stepping out into the snow.
Image source: "Happy New Year" by nigelhowe is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0