Sia Mehta Instagram

Former Copy Council

Sia Mehta

Posts by Sia Mehta


We’ve all heard about Dune, the box office hit that packed theatreswhen it came out in October 2021. It marked a return to cinema, bothliterally and metaphorically. For months in adva...

Nov 30, 2021

The Devil’s in the Details: Similarities Between Supremacists

The unease across North America was palpable on January 6th, 2021.Whether you were watching the news, listening to the radio while drivinghome, or getting updates on Twitter, everyone...

Feb 08, 2021

Sonder: Why It Is More Meaningful Than Ever

Do you know what “sonder” means? Don’t worry if you don’t; it’s a wordthat’s not even in the dictionary. It was first coined in 2012 by authorJohn Koenig, whose project The Dictionary...

Dec 17, 2020