Amanda Marchetti Instagram

Former Copy Council

Amanda Marchetti

Posts by Amanda Marchetti

MCI - The High School Movie Experience

I’m not sure about you, but high school has been an absolute breeze these past two years. I mean, the stressing over deadlines, staying up until dawn to study, and the exhausting soci...

Dec 29, 2022

MCI Sports in the 2021/2022 School Year

As students approach the end of another year at MCI, they also headtowards the end of this year’s athletic accomplishments andextracurriculars. With so many clubs and teams at our sch...

Jun 22, 2022

Breaking Down the New Spiderman Movie Trailer

The Spiderman: No Way Home trailer has made Marvel fans go crazy.Here’s some of what we know about the movie so far.

Nov 24, 2021

Fun Halloween Activities For When You're Bored

Things are finally starting to get back to normal in 2021, so here aresome Halloween activities you can do with friends and family that willput you in the Halloween spirit!

Oct 30, 2021